Monday, June 25, 2012

Department of Words Fail

h/t to Little Green Footballs: "Louisiana is embarking on a great fundamentalist adventure with Gov. Bobby Jindal’s wide-ranging school voucher program, which diverts state education funds to primarily religious private schools — many of whom will be teaching a curriculum designed by the most extreme and fanatical Protestant religious groups in America: Louisiana Voucher Students Headed to Schools Using A Beka, Bob Jones, and ACE Curricula."

"Students will be taught that humans and dinosaurs walked on earth together, and this instruction will be paid for with public funds."
I point out that Bobby Jindal is perhaps on Mitt Romney's short list of possible vice presidential candidates. I further hope that none of these victims students go on to medical schools where they become healers of broken bodies. I am also highly disturbed that these young people will grow up and vote with no knowledge of how science works.

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